
“Mono-Red”, digital still
“Originally a section of “花牌” (Flower Signage) displayed in Yuen Long, an old village area of Hong Kong suburbs. This kind of large outdoor signage is seen in Hong Kong old villages but only a few skilled masters still surviving. The signage is made of paper with bamboo structure, which requires highly skilled craftsmanship. It was usually commissioned for festival decorations or new business celebration. Names of sponsor companies and individuals were written in calligraphic style with careful spatial arrangement representing hierarchy of social relations.
This digital still is an impressionistic illustration of Chinese cultural traditions signified by abundantly use of red color, and traditional Chinese typography as graphic elements. Indeed, instead of showing the whole structure, the names of sponsors filled up most of the space. Digital manipulations increases contrast of white text and red background emphasizes the underlying narrative of social structure attached.
Exhibited in Hong Kong Artist’s Biennale, Club 64 Central, Hong Kong, 2005